Become a BrainWaves Research School/College
Want to be involved in ground-breaking research that will influence the mental health of adolescents for generations to come? Interested in giving your students more social responsibility and the opportunity to feedback their experiences and views on mental health education?
Then why not become a BrainWaves Research School/College?
Your school will:
- Receive BrainWaves accreditation in assoication with the University of Oxford.
- Receive important information about the mental health of your students.
- Gain access to complete and comprehensive lesson materials that have been developed in partnership with experts, researchers, and the University of Oxford.
- Have the opportunity to take part in free staff development in mental health and wellbeing.
To find out more about what’s involved, then please get in touch with the BrainWaves Schools Recruitment team via
About BrainWaves
We need to know more about adolescent mental health
In the UK, mental health disorders are growing fastest in young people aged 13 to 24. According to the NHS, one in six young people are now experiencing a mental health disorder. The pandemic has left a legacy of mental illness in young people which continues to affect day-to-day life in schools.
Mental health services are stretched to capacity and teachers are on the front line supporting students with mental health issues in the classroom. More importantly, current treatments for young people are based on what we know about adult mental illness. We need to know more about adolescent mental health.
Our response to the growing crisis
BrainWaves is driving a large-scale, longitudinal study of student mental health, where young people are followed throughout their time in school.
We are recruiting 50,000 students aged 11-19 years to take part in the BrainWaves research programme via their schools and colleges over the next 10 years
This will create, for the first time, a reliable research bank of data about young people’s mental health and what works for them.
Data from these trials will be used to design effective, evidence-based therapeutic interventions specifically designed for young people.
In time, this will enable schools to become more effective learning environments for developing wellbeing in adolescence.
Our partners
BrainWaves is a collaborative project, led by researchers at the University of Oxford
in partnership with The Day, an online daily newspaper for young people,
and the informatics team at the University of Swansea.